1. Eligible to participate is any natural person, enterprise or business partnership that will apply for a project falling under the investment categories and complies with the terms of this Scheme and all specifications set in Annex Ι.
    1. To be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must be:
      1. a natural person or legal entities (public or private bodies)
      2. registered within the areas under the control of the Republic of Cyprus or within the British Bases assuming that:
        1. written assurance will be provided by the authorities of the British bases that the electricity produced by the project will be credited to the Republic of Cyprus
        2. the responsibility for the licensing of the project and its completion within the timetables defined in its announcement will rest entirely with the applicants
    2. legal entities must be established in a Member State (MS); companies should be established in accordance with the law of the MS that has its registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the EC. In the case of a company, it is formed in accordance with the law of a MS and has its registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the EC.
    3. natural persons should be citizens of a MS or residing in it.
  2. Only one application can be submitted per beneficiary (group of companies)[1] (Annex IV) per category. Multiple offers from the same applicant will not be considered, and any duplicate submissions may result in the disqualification of all offers associated with this applicant.
  3. Specific cases
    1. International organisations – International organisations are eligible assuming they are in line with the all the relevant International Laws. The rules on eligible countries do not apply to them. For the purposes of this Schemen application submitted for the above call will be considered eligible[2].
    2. Entities without legal personality – Entities which do not have legal personality under their national law may exceptionally participate, provided that their representatives have the capacity to undertake legal obligations on their behalf and offer guarantees for the protection of the EU financial interests equivalent to that offered by legal persons[3].
    3. EU bodies – EU bodies can NOT be part of the consortium. EU restrictive measures – Special rules apply for certain entities (e.g., entities subject to EU restrictive measures under Article 29 of the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) and Article 215 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU)2013/C 205/057 and entities covered by Commission Guidelines No 8). Such entities are not eligible to participate in any capacity, including as beneficiaries, affiliated entities, associated partners, subcontractors or recipients of financial support to third parties (if any).

13.1      Financial Eligibility

Please refer to the information listed below at Paragraph 14.

13.2     Technical Eligibility

  1. The project must:
      1. become operational within:
        1. 12 months for new projects in category A2
        2. 6 months for existing projects in category A1 and all self-consumption projects
        3. 12 months for projects in category B
          • following the signing of the grant agreement.
      2.  operate at least till 2030, for existing projects in category A1 or 10-year contract for A2 and B categories of the scheme.
      3. apply mature storage technology and the proposed electrical storage system should have a guaranteed (useful) capacity corresponding to a duration of at least two (2) hours for projects with a capacity up to 120 kW, whereas larger plants must have a discharging time of three (3) hours. Storage facilities with a higher power capacity can participate at the tender, but they will not be renumerated for the additional energy capacity. The aid will only cover up to three hours of storage
      4. provide grid and ancillary services with technical parameters as defined by the grid operator (Annex II).
      5. have obtained all required licences for electricity storage system, which will be connected to the RES power plant.
  1. It is important to note that MECI may choose not to proceed with signing the grant agreement with the successful tenderer if there is a delay in submitting any required documents responding to requests or clarifications raised by MECI.

[1] https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32003H0361

[2] rfi20485.pdf (un.org)

[3] Representative of Multi-apartment Buildings or Energy Community entities will also be able to participate


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