1. The Scheme includes technical, performance and safety specifications [Annex II]. The technical obligations will aim to ensure the grid’s security, reduce power cuts from RES as much as possible, and contribute to the grid’s performance while reducing its carbon footprint. These are achieved, for example, by:
    1. Control of the ramp rate of the photovoltaic and wind power generation systems by region according to the needs of the grid, (based on the data from TSO/DSO) to balance the production power.
    2. Reduction in the operation of conventional power plants (base load generation) to minimize the operation of conventional backup systems. This will significantly reduce the cost of electricity and pollutants.
    3. Shifting energy that would otherwise have been cut off from RES during periods of low demand.
  2. The proposed technical characteristics of the storage systems are:
    1. Guaranteed import and export capacity per period (according to the TSO/DSO or a supply company);
    2. Guaranteed capacity: The proposed electrical storage system should have a guaranteed (useful) capacity corresponding to a duration based on technology and size of the plant between 1 (one) hour and 4 (four) hours for RES projects as indicated in the ANNEX II.
    3. Guaranteed capacity degradation rate;
    4. Guaranteed system performance: To ensure ongoing system performance the annual review process could include submitting a yearly inspection and maintenance certificate, as advised by the manufacturer. This requirement shall support the evaluation of the storage system’s condition, particularly the health of the batteries, to maintain guaranteed performance levels. Upon submission of the certificate, 10% of the guaranteed amount will be disbursed to the beneficiary each year.
    5. At least 75% of power must be absorbed annually from the connected RES power plant. It should be noted that any excess energy production beyond expected levels by a directed RES system will not guarantee additional energy supply to the grid.
    6. Energy imported from the grid to the storage unit will be managed using a net-metering approach, calculated on a billing cycle basis. If, during a billing cycle, the imported energy exceeds the exported energy for any reason, the excess energy will be billed at the regular retail tariff.
    7. Exclusion from the Scheme in case applicants do not comply with the specifications and conditions of the TSO/DSO;
    8. Once at least one notification is received, systems may be disconnected from the grid if they fail to meet the terms and conditions set by the TSO/DSO.


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